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World Cup Predictions for Football World Cup 2022

Jennifer ·

Only a few will say that the 2020s have so far turned out to be a particularly relaxed decade. Pandemics and global conflicts are currently causing problems for many people around the world, and the bright spots seem to be sown less and less. With all this tribulation, it is, therefore, welcome news that a football World Cup is finally coming up again.

Soon it will be time again for what is probably the most important football tournament in the world, and many fans are already in a state of turmoil. The World Cup in Qatar opens a whole new chapter in football history, as it will take place in winter instead of the hot summer months. Football fans who are looking forward to an otherwise rather gloomy winter of 2022 can at least look forward to this bonus.

A World Cup employment for all

With the upcoming World Cup, there is, of course, also a whole chain of fun games and activities that revolve around this major sporting event. To stand on the field for a national team is probably only granted to a few, but that does not mean that you cannot still participate in the championship with a lot of fun. One of the most popular ways to do this is, without question, the so-called typing or typing games.

Roughly speaking, a World Cup prediction game is about predicting the results of the games as accurately as possible. Whoever makes the most accurate prediction about the final results wins. You can participate as an individual, as a group, or as a large team and thus compete in a variety of constellations for your own small victory at the World Cup.

World Cup prediction game - this is how it works.

If you want to participate in the prediction game of Tournamentfootball.co.uk, you should, of course, first, familiarize yourself as well as possible with the rules of the game and create your own user account. An account is created quickly, and those who log in to the site also have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the rules of the game in detail. After industry-standard consent of the terms and conditions, it can already start.

However, all interested players should already remember that the deadline for all tips for the World Cup prediction game 2022 is on 21 November. Of course, only those who have entered all the tips before the official start of the tournament can make successful bets.

What is being typed on?

With Tournamentfootball.co.uk, as with most betting games, it is first about the results of all games. At the 2022 World Cup, there will be a whopping 64 different games. Tipsters should therefore take enough time to make a good forecast for each of these individual games. Only the final result after 90 minutes of play is significant. Extra time or penalty times are not counted.

After you have typed the results of the individual games as an individual or group, it goes to the knockout rounds. The winners of the individual groups are selected, which divides the World Cup teams at the beginning of the tournament. It is important to select only one team. Otherwise, the result will be invalid.

Who can participate?

Tournamentfootball.co.uk's Football World Cup prediction game is for everyone. In contrast to games from the gambling industry, there is no betting for money here. There are several ways to participate in a game. If you want to participate as an individual, simply create an account and start selecting the first favourites. If you want to participate in an existing betting group to type as part of a team, you can also do so after you have created your own account.

In addition, you have the option of creating your own betting group if there is none in your environment yet. Especially for circles of friends or offices, it can often be really fun to get together or compete against each other in small groups for victory. Through Tournamentfootball.co.uk, you can directly use Facebook, WhatsApp and services to build your group.

How does the point distribution work when typing?

The points system for the World Cup prediction game works quite simply: The more accurate the prediction about a game outcome, the higher the score. Conversely, tippers will be punished for every goal they have not predicted. Even a single goal too much can cost almost a third of the points, so players should take enough time to make the most accurate prediction possible about each game.

The maximum score that players can achieve when typing for a single game is 30. In addition, it is possible to tap on the result of an entire group when Tournamentfootball.co.uk. Anyone who has ever watched a World Cup will know that the individual teams of the tournament are divided into groups in which they compete against each other. The teams that emerge as winners of the respective groups will then compete against each other in the next phase of the tournament.

Bonus Questions

In addition to the pure game results, there are also a number of bonus questions that can be tapped. These are about the number of yellow and red cards awarded during a tournament. In addition, there is the possibility of betting on the total number of all goals scored. Depending on the card or goal, a certain number of points are deducted for each deviation.

How do you win in the prediction game?

The beauty of the World Cup prediction game is the fact that you are not rewarded for luck in this game but, above all, for knowledge. Those who are well acquainted with the respective strengths and weaknesses of the competing teams will be able to achieve significantly better results than the people who simply tap wildly on it.

Small X-factors, such as the weather or injuries in a team, can also be significant for the outcome of a game. You know, for example, that Brazil is superior, but that two important strikers may not be able to be at the World Cup? Then this may turn out to be important when the team meets France in the winter.

World Cup prediction games are for everyone.

In summary, it can only be said that World Cup prediction games are really for everyone. A bit of excitement and competition for the best tips can cause just as much excitement in the circle of friends as a little variety in everyday office life.

Watching the world's best players fight for the trophy in hot Qatar will undoubtedly be a welcome distraction for many from November onwards. An online World Cup prediction game can help to increase this excitement and prolong it a bit.

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