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Major Tournaments

Predict Fantasy Football is the perfect place to enjoy major tournaments, like the World Cup or the European Championship, as you get the chance to see how well you really know your football. 

Stick with us and learn why playing predict fantasy football along with watching exciting football tournaments will get you into the football mood and get others around you involved feeling the buzz too. 

Why is Fantasy Football Fun?

Fantasy Football has many great aspects about it but let us list some of them here:

  1. Competitive
  2. Play with friends,family and work colleagues
  3. Gets you involved in the football

1. Competitive

For a variety of causes, sports like competition. The technique that was used. The unpredictable nature of performance. The effect of random chance on the outcome of any game or season. Fantasy sports are highly competitive, with like-minded fans matched against one another – usually via websites – in a move to gain the title and claim all the bragging rights. Become on of the infamous winners in the hall of fame.

2. Play with friends, family and work colleagues 

Playing fantasy football, particularly in large tournaments, means making lifelong memories. When game days turn into intense meetups to see who was right or wrong, where everybody gets to see who gains points and jumps up the leaderboard, these are the memories that fantasy football can create. 

3. Gets you involved in the football

You get to play along and not just watch football, as gripping as it gets at times. The fact that it's easy to play and to follow allows for anyone of any background, football or not, can get involved.

World Cup Fantasy Football

Getting involved with fantasy football with the World Cup is one of the best games you could play in fantasy football. There are more teams, which means a higher number of possible outcomes, making the stakes even higher for winning. 

To predict this game takes either pure luck or someone with a great wealth of knowledge on football. Sign up at tournament football and organise a league with all your friends and family, so that you don’t miss out on all the excitement of this tournament.

Euros Fantasy Football

Euros is another example of the perfect fantasy football game to play with those around you that like a competition.

Being able to prove to your mates that you know more about football than they do is always satisfying - you can organise leagues to determine who out of your friend group is the football know it all (without the arguing).

Learn how to play Fantasy Football by clicking here


A Fantasy Football for your office?

Do you want an exclusive Fantasy Football for your company? That's possible! With a office fantasy you can make your pool as exclusive as you want. Add the colors and logo of your company, invite your colleagues and let them predict. To make things more fun, let teams and departments compete against each other for eternal fame!

Officefantasy.co.uk »