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It's 2022 and it is time for the World Cup!

Dirk ·

It's 2022 and what a year it will be, in the first half the latest countries will qualify for the World Cup and we will conclude the year with a new World Champion. The Guardian is already looking ahead to the Football Highlights of 2022.

March/April - World Cup play-offs and Draw

The last countries will compete in the play-offs in order to qualify for the World Cup. It is most likely Italy will face Portugal, which means that one of the two top 10 countries in the world will not be seen at the World Cup. It will not only be a thrilling qualifcation in Europe, elsewhere in the world countries still need to qualify. On April 1 the draw will be held and we are looking forward to it!

November/December – World Cup in Qatar

And at the end of the year the World Cup will be held in Qatar that opens its door to the world. They have eleven months left to host the biggest event in the world. It's then up to France to defend the title and we are absolutely thrilled to watch every game!

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