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How Long Does Half-time in Football Last?

Jennifer · 25-07-2022

How long does half-time in football: Find answers to your questions about half-time, match duration, breaks, the extra time in Football World Cup.

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Norbert Won the World Cup League from 90,000 people

Jennifer · 11-07-2022

Norbert football betting tips: He says he just filled in 1-0 everywhere. How did he gain football knowledge? What is his secret? Let's know before betting on football world cup.

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Most Common Football Results at a World Cup & Statistics

Jennifer · 27-06-2022

Do you want to gain an advantage when betting? Look at the most common results with which a football match ends, and the results of the European Championship, Bundesliga and Champions League.

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Football Betting World Cup 2022: This is Something to Consider When Submitting Bets

Jennifer · 13-06-2022

The Football World Cup 2022 will start on November 21 and will be completed on December 18. The odds are impressive, and whoever bets on the ultimate world champion can make lucrative profits.

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7 Tips and Tricks for Football Betting

Jennifer · 30-05-2022

You can do football betting as a pastime in which your personal gut feeling is put to the test. But on the other hand, you can apply systems and techniques to maximise your success rate. Here in this blog, we've listed some useful football betting tips and tricks to increase your success rate.

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It's 2022 and it is time for the World Cup!

Dirk · 02-01-2022

It's 2022 and what a year it will be, in the first half the latest countries will qualify for the World Cup and we will conclude the year with a new World Champion.

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A Fantasy Football for your office?

Do you want an exclusive Fantasy Football for your company? That's possible! With a office fantasy you can make your pool as exclusive as you want. Add the colors and logo of your company, invite your colleagues and let them predict. To make things more fun, let teams and departments compete against each other for eternal fame!

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