
Round 45
# Nickname Pts Points
1 (+2) 186
2 (-1) 181
3 (-1) 181
4 (-) 175
5 (+3) 172
6 (+3) 171
7 (-)
Gus - Fantasy Football EURO 2021


8 (+5) 161
9 (+2) 160
10 (+4) 159
11 (+1) 159
12 (-7) 156
13 (-7) 154
14 (+2) 146
15 (+3) 145
16 (+6) 144
17 (-7) 140
18 (+2) 136
19 (+2) 136
20 (+3) 132
21 (+5) 131
22 (+3) 131
23 (-8) 131
24 (-7) 130
25 (-1) 127
26 (+1) 126
27 (-8) 116
28 (+2) 111
29 (-1) 100
30 (-1) 94

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